
wildfire druid
once and future king
ignis aurum probat
(art credit: SBeep @ Twitter)


01 ⠀ general

full name. Micah Ó Rónáin
also known as. "Little Fox", "Kid", "Dumbass"
date of birth. nov / 14
age. 32
gender. trans man
pronouns. he/him
orientation. homosexual
occupation. adventurer
species. half-elf

02 ⠀ background

birthplace. Aa'lyvae
current home. n/a
language(s). elvish, common, orcish
parents. Aoibheann, Alexander
siblings. Qirya, Iloros, Percy
mentors. Fen, Xisi
significant other. Prince Asta Kassab
Wildfire Spirit. fox known as Smudge

03 ⠀ appearance

hair. auburn + past shoulders + wavy
eyes. emerald green
height. 5"11'
build. athletic
dominant hand. left
scars. bisecting left eyebrow, crossing face, top surgery scars, various stab wounds
tattoos. solid band, wrapped vine, moon phases, map crossing back
piercings. ear piercings
other remarkable features. beauty mark under left eye, facial hair

04 personality

positive traits. driven, charming, protective
negative traits. rash, coward, hypocrite
likes. arson, gardening, baked goods, family
dislikes. mannequins, liars, alcohol, mud
fears & phobias. death, dolls, immortality
wishes & dreams. living up to expectations
moral alignment. Chaotic Good


⠀ Pre-campaign

Micah grew up in a noble household in the city of Aalyvae, enjoying the life of a middle child and spending his days passing the time doing whatever he liked. He often accompanied his parents and older sister, Qirya when going to court functions. Though he didn't enjoy them, they were important in showing him how the upper court worked and how nobles tended to mask their words behind metaphors and long stories. He spent much of his time at parties and at formal court either hanging on to his siblings or spending time with Asta, his best friend. He met Asta Kassab, the prince of the city, when they were both very young and became fast friends. He also spent a good amount of time training with his uncle and mentor, Fen, to become a member of the city's guard. Though his family historically was heavily involved in fae hunting and even hoarded a large amount of artifacts and tomes speaking on the practice, Fen largely tried to keep Micah protected from it, and refused to speak on it besides giving him stories when he was exceptionally excited. Instead, Fen gently tried to steer Micah to the topic of monster hunting, which he became enamored with, trying to learn as much as he could about monsters (and fae) as he could.Eventually, he grew to be a bright young man that was truly interested in learning and knowing more about the world. One day, when he was out getting drunk, his family's home was infiltrated by people hired by Sophia, massacring his family and destroying his home. He came back to a broken home and the sole inheritor to the title. After spending a week catatonic, Micah took his family's ancestral sword and buried it beneath the staggering tree housed in their gardens, before leaving the city and traveling as a wanderer, carrying the whip that he was still training with when he left. After some time wandering in a stupor, he happened upon a druid named Xisi, a satyr that taught him in the ways of druidship. Her age was catching up to her, however, and in her dying breath she bequeathed to Micah an opal-esque stone that upon contact, seared a tattoo into his back and shattered into dust. Now Micah seeks to know what this tattoo means... and why it looks strangely like a map.


Four Years Prior

  • Micah arrives to his family estate to find his family's corpses being carried outside. He is told that someone had likely attempted to ransack the house, and upon encountering resistance, eliminated his family.

  • For a week, he goes into a catatonic state- unable to fully communicate with anyone. When he is lucid for a time following this week, he bids goodbye to Prince Asta Kassab and flees Aa'lyvae.

  • He meets Xisi, a wildfire druid, after a bar fight in which she had knocked him out. He is taken under her wing for the next four years.

Under Revision

  • Under Revision


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art credit: @venusmage, commissioned by @orzaika

⠀ Asta

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Under Revision.~**** / played by N/A~
Under Revision. ~ / played by N/A~
Under Revision./ played by N/A~
Under Revision. ~ / played by N/A~
Under Revision.. / N/A
Under Revision. ~. / played by N/A~